Save your money.
I knew if I reviewed books long enough I would run across one that I would not enjoy and this one was that book.
Some people will enjoy this book but I found it awful.
he makes assertions that he assumes from his 'luck' or 'experience' and doesnot give God the credit.
If you want to read a good book on church transformation try Changing Your Church For Good, also by Thomas Nelson publishing.
The author here lumps all Southern pastors into a negative catergory and I didnt like his slant from start to finish.
he makes a remark that a pastor is under the scope if his kids make poor jokes and then he goes on to tell of a couple in him church who were playing adult games and were injured and had to be rescued while the man was unconcious in a Superman suit while his wife was hand cuffed to the bed.
From that point to the end of the book I had to really work to finish it. i give this book ZERO out of 5 stars.