Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Max On Life a wonderful BOOK!!!!!!!!

Lucado does it again. Hes long been my favorite writer, way before FEARLESS. Lucado simply puts things in a real life understandable way.
There were some things I did not feel completely happy with but I would take nothing away from him again; hes a wonderful writer and all of his books are golden.
This book would especially hit home for the unsaved reader who has unanswered questions about the Bible and life before we knew it.
You just cant go wrong with Lucado, and this book would make a wonderful gift. I keep all Lucado books and donate 90% of all other books I review but I wont let go of a Lucado.

Take Action Bible NKJV by Thomas Nelson Publishing

I do not like the format or added content of this bible. I expect a lot more inspirational content but its all just fluff in my opinion. Keep your money and buy a better quality like a Life Application Study Bible or a Chronological or Archeological bible.