Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll

The dvd kit did finally arrive, and it was well worth the wait!
Mark and Grace delve into a musky water area and come out nice and clean: no mudd at all!
Its a great pearl of a find because there are questions we need answered, but who to ask? Its fairly easy to make a preacher blush, and theres no reason to make them think they are being picked on, after all, the role of pastor is political one...and there is a reason sex ed is not taught in schools!! A pastors world can be just as political!
With this book, a pastor has a leg to stand on and what author could hope for more than to give a preacher a hand!! lol its a great kit!!

I requested the Real Marriage dvd study kit on December 7th. Today is December21st and it has not arrived so i must assume that the product is not yet ready or lost in transit.
I have reviewed many books for Booksneeze and indeed, believe it is the best reviews program in existance but it has never taken this long to receive the product. Additionally it was only available for one day : that leads me to think it is not ready yet.
I was looking forward to reading Marks work because back when I enjoyed facebook, I would read many of his daily vespers. mark is a preacher in Kentucky, and he will respond to feedback about his writing.
Hopefully someday this product will arrive and I will have the pleasure of posting a review...but 2 weeks is as long as I can wait for arrival of material.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Review of a Derek Prince Ministry book 2011

I spent the first 6 chapters with a raised eyebrow because the book seemed at that point to be a book written for the wealthy class to make them feel good about their money. The middle section of the book, was more focused on helping people to understand Gods promise and His love. The last section of the book, really pulled it through and made it a winner. Hitting the nail on the head, the book drives home the plain and simple truth: the reason there are Gods people in need is because other of Gods people who have an abundance are not sharing that abundance. The book talks about the manna falling from the sky and about Gods people picking it up and some had more than they needed and some less but when they put it all together every one had all they wanted.
I think thats the key for us and so does the book.
I refer to it as the book and not the author because the author died a few years back in 2003. The Ministry of the author post humously published the book from the authors unpublished manuscript works and collection of notes.

What the book lacks, is a sound collective voice that all authors leave on every page but I will tell you this: it is one of the best books I have read in a very long time and I review books for 4 different publishers and do a little book writing myself.
What I loved about this book, what made it a rich source of inspiration for me was the way it guides the reader into understanding that we are Temples for God and as such, we house the Holy Spirit inside of us. That means a lot of different things to me. Many times in my life when I am reading the Bible I am amazed because I feel like I am there watching the events unfold. Not liek I am watching a movie or reading or hearing about events that I can picture but rather as Iam there watching, experiencing the events myself.
I now have come to a rich understanding of why: because the Holy Spirit was there and is alive inside of me and all I am is Him. So of course I feel like I was there when I read the Bible.
I had often wondered why I always had felt that way. I knew it was something to do with God. This book opened my eyes: thats a precious gift from God for reading it through to the end.
Also, the book makes a great case for tithing: its really not an option its an act of obedience and a show of faith.
This book is a great gift for a fast holiday read. I easily read it in a leisure 2 day read. I give it 5 out of 5 stars!

I received a free copy of this book from Chosen Books, inexchange for a review.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Year With Jesus by R.P. Nettelhorst

While this is a great resource for making your walk with God feel closer, it is the last time I agree to review a devotional book because it is not fair to the author for anyone to push through the book in a week ( I read it in 3 days) and then write a review or give an opinion on it when it was written to be SLOWLY ABSORBED OVER THE PERIOD OF A YEAR AND INGESTED GRADUALLY.
That being said, I give this book 5 stars.
It is physically attractive and well put together. It has sections broken down as follows:

Love and Hate

Truths and Lies

Arrogance and Humility

Friends and Enemies

Belief and Disbelief

Patience and Impatience

Deserved and Undeserved

Good and Evil

Fidelity and Treachery

Life and Death

One of the finest features is that it begins on Day 1 : not "January 1st". Any day that you pick it up can be your first day.
The author, R.P. Nettelhorst, writes in a style similar to Tim Lahaya. It is a book filled with the words of Jesus, and then accompanied with a brief, daily narrative designed to walk the reader slowly, one day at a time, down a year long journey with God to help us get to know God better.
You can not rush a friendship : they take time, sometimes years to build. The times between 2 friends will not always be good but they will always be.
Friendships that are meant to be will endure past the hard times.
A friendship with God is the same way. There are times when we think God has turned His back on us and we dont want to talk to Him. That can happen with any friendship.

That is the benefit of this book: to help you establish and understand that what we have with God IS a friendship.
If you will invest your time in this book, I believe that it will help you to grow closer to God; help you to see the connection between the Divine and us - us who are created in His image. Sometimes, we forget Who's we are.

I received this book from Book Sneeze in exchange for posting a review. If you think that in anyway influenced my opinion, I encourage you to read through my past reviews.