The dvd kit did finally arrive, and it was well worth the wait!
Mark and Grace delve into a musky water area and come out nice and clean: no mudd at all!
Its a great pearl of a find because there are questions we need answered, but who to ask? Its fairly easy to make a preacher blush, and theres no reason to make them think they are being picked on, after all, the role of pastor is political one...and there is a reason sex ed is not taught in schools!! A pastors world can be just as political!
With this book, a pastor has a leg to stand on and what author could hope for more than to give a preacher a hand!! lol its a great kit!!
I requested the Real Marriage dvd study kit on December 7th. Today is December21st and it has not arrived so i must assume that the product is not yet ready or lost in transit.
I have reviewed many books for Booksneeze and indeed, believe it is the best reviews program in existance but it has never taken this long to receive the product. Additionally it was only available for one day : that leads me to think it is not ready yet.
I was looking forward to reading Marks work because back when I enjoyed facebook, I would read many of his daily vespers. mark is a preacher in Kentucky, and he will respond to feedback about his writing.
Hopefully someday this product will arrive and I will have the pleasure of posting a review...but 2 weeks is as long as I can wait for arrival of material.