From the publisher, "Is there anything better than a kitchen countertop spread with the spoils of a Saturday morning at the farmers’ market? Every trip yields some new assortment of old favorites and newfound treasures. One week, you’re tempted by the sun-warmed heirloom tomatoes and the Mason jars brimming with orange blossom honey. Another week, it’s the slabs of milky Havarti cheese and the Red Haven peaches heavy with juice, enticing you to spend just a little more than you planned. Kentucky pole beans, silky ears of sweet corn, and sacks of stone-ground buckwheat flour may find their way into your basket on another visit.
Whether you shop with a list or purely on impulse, you’ll always find the truest taste of home at the local farms, roadside stands, and produce markets in your community. These are the places that offer up the native flavors of the South and all its seasons. They are your portal to the fields, the waters, and the vines where your food is cultivated. Get to know the origins of what you eat and the people who produce it. Tammy Algood’s Farm Fresh Southern Cooking celebrates this experience with delicious recipes that will enhance the natural flavors of your latest market haul and stories of the South’s most dedicated growers and culinary producers."
I think this is a great cookbook but not because its a cookbook. As a cookbook, its average with good pictures. But as a guide to the South and a map to several wonderful farming assets we have to offer this book is golden.
If you have ever had a fever for the South, you need this book.
If you have a Kindle, this would really make a great kitchen book. I have thought about gettting a Kindle just to keep cookbooks but I wont because Im just not that into technology. I like the feel of a real book in my hands. This book was sent to me free as a review copy from Thomas Nelson Publisher. I have seldom held one of their books that I did not enjoy. This was one of the many that I did enjoy. If you enjoy Southern cooking or studying the South you will enjoy this book. The pictures are good, quality shots and the info on the farms is great.