When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado
Lucado has been my favorite author from the moment I read the first Lucado book. You can always count on him to be inspirational and motivational and I love that about a writer.
This book deals with everyday people and how we often fail to understand our own good fortune as we are loved and adored by the creator of the Universe!
God knows everything about us, even has the hairs on our heads numbered and best of all God desires a personal friendship with us all.
It is pretty heavy duty stuff to realize that the Creator of everything wants to be pals with us! Kinda helps those tough times to seem a lot less important.
God will call you out, all you have to do is have the courage or desire or whatever you want to call it: to have an open will to respond to Gods calling. He always gives back way more than He gets.
I highly recommend this book to anyone inneed of motivation or whos spirits have been running a little low lately. Heck, Id reccommend any Lucado book for any occassion; hes simply my favorite.
I have a permenant collection of books (most of what I read I give away) and every Lucado book I have has earned a spot on that permanent collection. I have bought more Lucado books as gifts than anyother writer because he is simply the best motivational writer I have found and he uses Biblical verses to bring home his messages.
When God Whispers Your Name is a great book for anyone who needs a little boost. It is full of short stories about every day people and how we are not nearly as mundane as our lives lead us to feel because we dont stop and realize that God has us in His heart!
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