Saturday, November 24, 2012
Creature of the Word the Jesus centered Church
It is rare that I will consider a book by multiple authors. One could argue for the Bible, but Id say not really since it was written by the Holy Spirit.
Creature of the Word had a few stumbling points; for instance it said children dont need to be protected but transformed..yeah I get what they mean,but Im a student of, say what you mean to say!
All in all the book is very similar yet much harder to read than Warren, Purpose Driven Church. Creature does not flow well. The focus is on the church becoming properly centered around Christ and holdong members accountable for actions to facilitate the spread of Christ. While I am a strong advocate for action, Creature seems to pull on the strings of shaming the modern church as if we are doing something wrong and in need of reformation.
While I am all in favor of putting a new paint job on the car, I think its better to build a garage around it to protect it in the first place and that is where my thinking diverges from the books tone. Protect what you have and you wont need to transform it: or remodel it. The Creature seems to imply that we need to transform our churches: I dont hink so! God transforms US when we come to Him...ours is not to do the remodeling; ours is to be AVAILABLE for the Masters remodeling works.
I did find parts of the book, or sections if you will that were well meaning and due to its being written by 3 differnet people, most people will likely find a section which they enjoy or can relate. If you enjoy David Jeramiah you will likely enjoy this book.
Wild Grace by Max Lucado
I have been holding off writing this review for 2 months. Completely stalled out. I love to read Lucado's work, but not htis time.
My only soltace is this book was not really him but rather an assistant writers work. Its Johns work that I just dont care for!
Grace, by Lucado is a good read but Wild Grace is not a very good book. I dont get how its geared for teens unless it is targeted for a large inner city urban population because it reads way above that level.
Also, the natural rythmn of a Lucado read is lost on this work. The flow is all wrong. Ive read all of his works and its like dancing with the same person for years and suddenly you are asked to dance in the dark and told its with your normal parner and he leads with a completely new swagger: sorry kiddies: this book aint no Lucado read! I dont care what the spine of the book says!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Grace more than we deserve greater than we imagine by Lucado
Lucado is my favorite author. He is always inspirational and he never disappoints. If you enjoy spending your time with a book that will give you a feeling of hope and capability then i reccommend you pick up any Lucado book.
This particular book, emmerses the reader in GRACE.
We toss the word around when its not a mere word but it is a WORK of God.
Grace is a noun, its something we get and its a verb; its something God does for us. Grace is amazing, not because it is a noun and a verb but because it is a work of God.
A gift.
But we forget about it. We over look it. We ignore the power that God drops right inot our hands via the Grace He bestows upon us.
If you in anyway could use a reminder of that: read this book.
Max never disappoints me and i am a fairly harsh critic: and I have come to depend on Max as a source of inspiration. It is good to know what to expect. Expect to be electrified by Max.
Max will take you many steps closer to the Light if you will let him.
Max has a lot of potential to do even greater works in the future and inspire even more people for the Glory of God. Somewhere out there there is a young Billy Graham just waiting to be ispired who will ignite a whole new generation for God.
Specifically, Max uses real life example from real people to show how the Grace of God is powerful and motivating. If you have ever read a Lucado book then you know the format.
But I never grow tired of reading his work because he always puts the focus on Gods work.
I think Max is Gods Work in motion. I think Grace is a beautiful baby girl, smiling at the world through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
And everyone would benefit from reading this book.
I received a free copy of this book through the publisher, Thomas Nelson in exchange for writing a review. If you think that in anyway affected my opinion, you need to check out my other reviews. Go to mary wrightt to find my page, Walking Like Daniel, to read other reviews. They are not all kind, but they are all honest.
Serpent of Moses by Don Hoesel
I review books ofr 7 different publishers. I do not normally review fiction as i do not enjoy fiction. With that in mind, I will be easy on my review.
This is not the first book in a series it is second and I would not have read this work if i had realized it was not a stand alone read as i do not like to commit my time to so much fiction.
It read different from most fiction. The breath is not consistant. It does not have a steady rythmn. It read like an attempt to write a Mummy Returns novel.
The writer chose to take a known fact, God tells us that the staff is no more --the writer decided to pretend that teh staff is still floating around. Thats where the author lost my support: dont play what-if with biblical facts. Babalon Falling, is a good biblical fiction story but this book, Serpent of Moses was not to my liking.
If you have a young adult, and you want to get them thinking about the Bible, dont get this book. Buy a good fiction book that backs up the Bible, not one that makes a fact change: I can not get behind that.
Yes, the author puts in mystery and archeology and his characters are not flat. But I did not like it. I thought Jack was boring, I thought it was a waste of effort and time.
BUT - I also think a lot of people will like the book; I just wont endorse it because i dont like playing what if games with facts. So many things we dont know about; why didnt the author pick one of those topics?
The writing style was also not upto par. I had a go back and reread a few pages. Maybe because I did not find it enjoyable. But I thought as I was reading that it was because I do not care for fiction.
I gave this book 5 stars because I could see how someone else would enjoy it...I just do not enjoy fiction and I realize that might have been the problem.
I received a free copy of this book from bethany House publishers in exchange for my review.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The River
I used live in Florida, and I purchased a copy of this book at a church event where the author was. It was a stunning event! The story turns around a man who recounts his childhood years; his dad guided tours down rapids on the Colorado River. When the main character was 5, yeah, you know what happened to his dad!! And Gab never forgave the river or his dad..not until now.
It is a surprising read, considering this is the first book by this writer BUT he has lots of experience with song writing. It is basically the story of one mans childhood life that centered around the river that claimed someone very precious to him(spoiler alert) and how he comes to terms with forgiveness. It is the story of how he dealt with the pain and fear of the river. If you enjoyed The Shack; you have to read this book...its a great read for all you fiction buffs out there!! I do not care for fiction, but having already read this book I thought I would give the author a hand and tell everyone what I thought about it. It is a trying emotional telling. If you enjoy drama you will enjoy this book!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Money Smart Family System by Steve Economides and Annette Economides Published by Thomas Nelson
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Thomas Nelson in exchange for a review. The book is very good and stays on topic from cover to cover. Many points were common sense to me but I did find the book enjoyable. They are known for running a house hold below budget. They suggest things like having a routine and buying used items when ever possible and bartering and haggling when making major purchase items. Honestly, go talk to an Indian man and you will learn more about saving money. No one is more frugal than an Indian, and I refer to someone from India. Of course they rightfully talk about giving God His 10% and I will say this: I heard an old lady at my church say back in 2008 that God expects His 10%, and when you give Him more than that He will bless you for it. That is completely true.
For my own intake on this book I would have given it a one star. But for the help it can offer to people who have not worked for 15 years for several Indians I believe this book could be a real treasure trove of information.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
12 Unlikely Heroes by John MacArthur
This is a very enjoyable book. It is full of background information that you wont get from a regular Bible. Likely you would get it from an archeological or an Historical or chronological Bible, but you wont get the details from a regular Bible (and rightfully so, as the Bible is the Word of God and the focus is justly on God and not the people He picks to use).
People stumble through life due to those little road blocks we all encounter called, crisis situations. It is common for people to feel like we are not good enough for God, that surely He can find someone more qualified or skilled. This book encourages the reader to consider that God is always in control and He can use anyone who will put their trust in Him. God gifts us all with talents. Sadly, some people never discover theirs but some people seem to have an innate sense of just knowing what they are gifted at. The easiest gift to see might well be the gift of drawing. Put a pencil in my hand and I can draw you a fine figure of a stick person. Put the same pencil in the the hand of 2 of my cousins and they can draw you anything you want to see, mirror image. But many gifts are hidden from us until we need those gifts to do Gods work. The common expression is that god equips those He calls. Yes, that is true: however, God equips many of us long before He calls us into service. Sometimes we have to die for God, and often we must be willing to die for God, and I dont refer to lip service, I mean we literally have to take a chance on death to serve God in many situations. A hero, is someone who steps up to the plate and risks their life to do what god needs for them to do to advance his kingdom. Queen Ester, could have died for what she did. Moses, could have been killed for going against the pharoah of Egypt.
The author did not pick the 12 that I would have picked, as Daniel is my favorite prophet, and I would have picked Noah, and Im not sure I could have stopped at 12. Sampson, I thought was a great inclusion in this book.
The biggest encouragement that this book offers, is that God can use anyone willing and if you think that you are not good enough you need to think again. God likes making His heroes out of every day people; Jesus, was not born into a rich family and He saved us all so dont let a little thing like being poor stop you when you see an opportunity to do something good for God.
The author has written a great work in this book as it encourages the reader to move forward for God. His writing is a tad dry, but very factual and even if you are a daily Bible reader you will still be encouraged.
IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS IN A SLUMP: THIS BOOK IS THE GIFT YOU WANT TO GIVE!! If you know someone who is laid up, you would be hard pressed to give them a better gift to occupy their alone time. It is hard bound with a dust jacket, and mine will have a permanent place on my book case!!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
How To Find Your One Big Thing !
I received a copy of this book from a friend of mine who asked me to read the book and then tell her if it would help her. Sounds odd, I know, but she doesnt have much time and she knows I love to read.
My advise to her was yes, it will help you a lot.
It will help 90% of the people who read it.
How can you discover what you were meant to do?
Ask yourself some key questions: focus on your God given talents. And yes, the wuthor includes those key questions that you should ask yourself.
Learn how to focus, that is what this book is all about. Focus, Focus, Focus. Theres your review in a nutshell.
Your one big thing might not be one thing but a series of things; but you need to learn to focus and apply what talents you have.
If you enjoy Dr.David Jeremiah's work you will enjoy this author.
A good companion gift book to go along with this book would be Lucados book, You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be. And also, Dr.Jeremiahs book, What In The World Is Going On, and also his book, Living In A Chaotic World.
If you are hunting your fulfillment in life I would recommend those 3 books as a combo. That ought to do the trick for you. For dessert, I reccommend Max Lucados book, A Gentle Thunder.
Confronting Jezebel by S. Sampson
This is a great book. But would have better been named, Sampson confronts Deliah because that is exactly what it is and what it does.
What Sampson says is true, but I know a Christian who admits to struggles with the thirst for power and after having gotten to know her I find that to be an honest admission on her part. She says you have to learn how to 'let go and let God' and shes 100% right. And that is what Sampson is trying so round about to say! Let go of the thirst for power and let God control you and your life!
The bulk of the book is devoted to discussing what the Jezebel demonic spirit looks like, as in controlling, manipulative etc. The end of the book offers help and its brief; yes because it is a simple fix!!! Pray, ask God to help; let go and let God. Its that simple.
The one point that I did not really care for is the way Sampson excuses her behavior; its not her fault---the demonic spirit made her do it. Sampson is still in love with Deliah. Still making excuses for her.
I guess we dont know how to love without making excuses for bad decisions because we walk in fear. Shut up and put out - thats my take on life. If you are a Christian then its a 24 - 7 decision and too often we get tired of being Christians so we hunt excuses. We then revert to the devil made us do it.
NO NO; we allow the devil to influence us; we let the devil talk us into stuff - its not a forced situation there are armys of Gods Angels walking all around everyone to make sure that we are not forced into anything.
I received a free copy of this book from Chosen Books for writing a review.
Help for the Fractured Soul by Candyce Roberts
I received a copy of this book in exchange for writing a review from Chosen Books. If you believe that bought this book a good review then you need to checkout my blog page; I enjoy bashing books as much as praising them.
This is a five star book that everyone should keep a copy of in their night stand in the same way we keep bandaids in the kitchen or bathroom drawers.
We will run for the peroxide when we get a cut to boil out the grim and reduce the run of infection but we completely ignore the splinters, slivers and shards that cut inot our souls and we do nothing to heal them. We dont ignore a briar when we step on one -- we get the needle and flashlight and pick away until we can press down on the spot and no longer feel that sharp pain...............and that is EXACTLY what this book will do for your soul; teach you how to not ignore the thorns and how to get the problem out instead of letting it fester.
Understand that I read on average 40 books a year. 99% non fiction devotional/God help books. This book has a permanent place on my book case, that only happens about 3 times per year the rest I donate because they are usually good but not a book that I just cant live without.
This is a real cant live without book. It is written to help us help tramatized people, both young and grown but you will also discover so many ways to improve your own life that it has the experience of reading a three-dimensional book; one of the very few I have ever read that just reaches out to you on every level of impact from social to personal to interpersonal and Divine.
The focus as I implied above is to help abuse survivors but what you take away is the knowledge of how to help them and a whole new way to envision putting on that armor of God.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Tough Guys and Drama Queens by Mark Gregston
The book is pretty sound and the author sold me on the fact that he has a lot of experience dealing with youths.
What the book basically boils down to is that young people today do not walk by each other on the street and say hey, or knod. They ignore each other and then whip out the technology and text each other or facebook then or tweet it. But they do not talk it. They do not talk, period.
Try to get them to talk, find a way to spend time with them to get them to open up.
This by no means details the book but it will give you a feel for it. I dont know that I would say the book deals much with theraputic teens, but it seems like a good resource for dealing with your typical, wont openup, you cant relate to me, teenager.
The book is paperback, and an easy read. I liked it, it flowed well; I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. Its a good investment if you teach or otherwise work with teens or if you would just like to reach out to one whether its yours or someone elses. Time spent looking after a child is never wasted. This book is a good resource.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Globequake by Wallace Henley

Thursday, June 7, 2012
The Searchers by Loconte

Monday, June 4, 2012
What You Need To Know About Bible Prophecy by Max Anders

Friday, May 25, 2012
Mondays with my old Pastor by Navajo
Exactly as it sounds, it is a 5 star all star book.
Anyone can lose faith, and this is an honest account of someone who did, and how spending some Mondays with his old preacher restored his faith.
I wish him well, I think this book will blow the top off the Christian charts...its an amazing read of a walk back to faith.
I dont know what I can say without giving it need a book? Bank on this one being the one.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Subversive Kingdom: Living as Agents of Gospel Transformation by Ed Stetzer
I was offered the opportunity to review Ed Stetzer's (director of research at Lifeway publications) latest book, Subversive Kingdom: Living as Agents of Gospel Transformation.His name was not familiar to me, but I am a BIG FAN OF LIFEWAY PUBLICATIONS, so I was tickled.
Gotta say, this was a great read. Has a permanent place on my bookshelf!
God fills us Christians, like a fountain of pure, clean, cold refreshing water flows into a tall, clear, glass pitcher. But the fountain does not fill the pitcher so it can just sit there all smug and make all the empty pitchers envious and jealous. We are the same. God fills us up and means for us to go out into the world and share the Gospel of Jesus! But Just like Jonah: we sit there in church and think the unworthy need to come to church like we do, and we sit there and get our fill and then we leave and do nothing for God. We are supposed to share - I mean come on people - did Jesus teach us Nothing????
We know better.
Stetzer has become frustrated with pews of people who just sit there and then do nothing.
And to that end, he lights a great fire under the pews with this book. I especially enjoyed the way he points out that God uses the everyday, average people with flaws and warts and all to serve His Kingdom.
Moses, picture Moses. Hot headed and stuttering. Long way from perfect. Noah, King David...the list is LONG of the kind of average persons from the Bible that God picked to help Him in His Work so why do we think God has changed His style? We know God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow so why do we think God needs only the rich, political affluent people to do His work? God has never relied on them before!
Its the regular folks that God equips and depends on and this book really tickled me. I have noted a few people in church before that I though of as f-ing Pharasses.
Yeah, I spelled it like that on purpose. You know the type. The retired rich people with perfect clothes and Home & Garden houses and every hair in place who always give lip service to God...but let them get the chance to work for God and they are more concerned with looking their best while they are down in the trenches and finding someone else to do the job than they are with serving God.
Every church has some of them; and churches might new a reformation like the author suggests. I really dont think the churches need to change I think they just need to open their eyes. But the author has a lot more experience than me as hes from the pulpit. I agree with him, it sure is frustrating to see a bunch of Christians but noone will do anything just like Jonah (again) because we dont think the others/outsiders/nonchurchers are we are anybetter.
If we could get to Heaven on our own, Jesus would not have had to be tortured to death. We are saved by Grace, nothing else.
The author talks about politics and ceremony and the hangups of our culture and points out once again the way God handled this in the past: Jesus did not come to us with pomp and circumstance on a great stallion surrounded by a host of angels and gold and diamonds underfoot like the rose petals of Earthly Kings.
Jesus came humble; just as a man. And He did impossible things. And He told us that some will come after Him who will believe in Him who will do even MORE impossible things than He did.
We need to start shutting up and start putting out. All we do is talk about why we cant do this or that for God. Jesus came to the hottest most miserable place on Earth. All of our Biblical History happened in the desert areas. Why? I think because the dry air preserved the records and facts so that time could never erode the TRUTH.
Buy what you want- but this book is a great investment and will get those gears to turning in the right direction. Think of this book as WD-40 for your soul.
Babylons Falling by William G Collins
I received a free digital copy of this book from Booksneeze in exchange for a review. I hate digital copies: I like real books I can hold in my hand but this book looked so inviting to me that I made an exception: and Im glad I did.
The writer tells the story of Daniel, one of my favorite people from the Bible, (hence the title of my blog, Walking Like Daniel.
The writer takes a few liberties with how me decides what happened but dog-gone-it; he does a great job! I cross referrenced so of his speculation with a little History work; know what? Could have possible, maybe happened like he writes it! Thats Historical fiction to me and the only kind of fiction I will work with because I dont like to invest myself in things that never happened to people who never existed.
This is a 5 star book!!
The Truth About Grace by John McArthur
I really like this writers, shot from the hip approach. A better name would have aptly been, Shut up and Put Out. Shut up thinking you can get to Heaven without Jesus getting you in, and put out the Gospel so more people can get in because you dont deserve to get in anymore than the rest of us.
There you go; took him a little over 100 pages; I knocked it out in 2 sentences.
I liked the book very much. It has five chapters: Grace Defined, Grace Received, Grace Misunderstood and Twisted, Grace Realized, and Grace Lived Out.
He makes his best point early on that grace is revealed in how we extend it towards our enemies not our friends.
You can easily read the book in a few hours like while you are waiting on a flight. It will leave you with a good feeling and insight: thats great deal for a mere 100 page investment.
I give the dude 5 stars.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Father Hunger by Douglas Wilson
The publisher has this to say about the work "Fatherlessness is a “rot that is eating away at the modern soul,” writes Douglas Wilson, and the problem goes far beyond physical absence. “Most of our families are starving for fathers, even if Dad is around, and there’s a huge cost to our children and our society because of it.”"
But that does not begin to say it. The author hits the bigest corrosive issue in our modern times dead on the head: Fathers need to assume the role and be responsible heads of households as God intends.
Wilson uses Biblical references and gives great instances of men called to action: the action of becoming the heads.
I can not say enough good praise for this work. I think every man alive needs to read this book as then ask himself if he is living upto his responsibilities and if not he needs to use this book as a guide to help him find his way into the Word and the hearts of his family.
Being a father is so much more than biological contribution. That is why science and test tubes can never replace a man.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Empty Promises
You know how "we" are smarter than the kids are today? Well, thats a legitimate complaint. Each generation gets a little dumber, or BLINDER than the last. (yeah, bad use of the language)
We can see how kids today are not as smart as us 40 year olds. The old people sit around us 40 year olds and shake their heads; marveling at how stupid we are compared to them.
We are all right. People are less intune with every generation. Just like a piano gets out of tune over the years, so does Humanity.
When Moses made his point about the golden idol it was easy for everyone to understand what he was talking about; idolatry.
But we dont worship idol anymore...or do we.
Yeah; we do. And thats what this book will open your eyes to.
We just dont call idols what they really are anymore because we are not as in tune as people were when Moses was kickin it on the scene.
This book was a great read and it will do far more than open your eyes about what the idols are in your life; it will help you break free from them and the glory back where it goes; doing what god wants you to do.
Jonah as not a happy camper and lived a long time running from Gods will but God made Jonah do what he was meant to do and Jonah became happy after he finally started living for God.
This copy was given to me free inexchange for my review. If you think that bought it a good review, you need to head over to my blog and read some postings that I didnt find a joy to read!!
Angels Are For Real by MacNutt
I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. I have read many Bethany House books and never been disappointed.
Angels are a hard topic to write about because you rely on the call to action of the reader to understand that you are writing about experiences. People who can not relate will have a hard time feeling this book.
It is well written but she draws a few conclusions I would not have reached out for. The book is a good read for any Christian but for a new Christian, I would more recommend the Billy Graham work on angels. The author does point out that angels are here to help us and I think we feel them a lot more than we see them. I believe all the testimonies are true and I believe this book is a good read full of inspiration!
It is not a good book to make Doubting Thomas see the light, however.
For an established Christian, and I dont know anyother way to put that; it really really is a great book and it will give you a sweet feeling when you finish it. But you can not already feel God inside, you just wont likely get this book.
I give it five stars, because I really enjoyed the book.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
He Chose The Nails by Max Lucado

I love to read Lucado. I consider myself to be a Lucado-reader because I try to get my hands on a copy of each of his books and then soak them up like a sponge in new waters. He never has disappointed and this work is no exception.
I have noticed a pattern in his writing. His books can be divided into 2 works. The first half, is inspiration the last half is invitation. I guess thats the preacher in him but hes awesome with a quill.
I fancy the first half of his books every time, because the invitation is something I accepted at age 9.
In this book, as in all of his books; he says something that drives home hope and inspiration for me. This time, it came early on when he was telling about a time he left his dog in the house all day alone and the dog got into the trash even though it knew better. When he came home, he understood why the dog did it and cleaned up the mess. But the dog hid away all day, not realizing Max had already cleaned up his mess and was not angry with the dog.
Max points out that we are like the dog, forgetting that God has already forgiven us, cleaned up our mess of sin with the blood of Christ and is not angry with us but rather wishes we would come home to His love.
Lucado starts cooking on page 20 and stays wound up all the way to the end.
His examples are real life or could be real life and he as always, inspires the soul like a warm bowl of chicken noodle on a snowy day.
I just can not recommend Lucado enough and this book is one of his best.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Farm Fresh Southern Cooking by Algood

From the publisher, "Is there anything better than a kitchen countertop spread with the spoils of a Saturday morning at the farmers’ market? Every trip yields some new assortment of old favorites and newfound treasures. One week, you’re tempted by the sun-warmed heirloom tomatoes and the Mason jars brimming with orange blossom honey. Another week, it’s the slabs of milky Havarti cheese and the Red Haven peaches heavy with juice, enticing you to spend just a little more than you planned. Kentucky pole beans, silky ears of sweet corn, and sacks of stone-ground buckwheat flour may find their way into your basket on another visit.
Whether you shop with a list or purely on impulse, you’ll always find the truest taste of home at the local farms, roadside stands, and produce markets in your community. These are the places that offer up the native flavors of the South and all its seasons. They are your portal to the fields, the waters, and the vines where your food is cultivated. Get to know the origins of what you eat and the people who produce it. Tammy Algood’s Farm Fresh Southern Cooking celebrates this experience with delicious recipes that will enhance the natural flavors of your latest market haul and stories of the South’s most dedicated growers and culinary producers."
I think this is a great cookbook but not because its a cookbook. As a cookbook, its average with good pictures. But as a guide to the South and a map to several wonderful farming assets we have to offer this book is golden.
If you have ever had a fever for the South, you need this book.
If you have a Kindle, this would really make a great kitchen book. I have thought about gettting a Kindle just to keep cookbooks but I wont because Im just not that into technology. I like the feel of a real book in my hands. This book was sent to me free as a review copy from Thomas Nelson Publisher. I have seldom held one of their books that I did not enjoy. This was one of the many that I did enjoy. If you enjoy Southern cooking or studying the South you will enjoy this book. The pictures are good, quality shots and the info on the farms is great.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Spirit Wars by Kris Vallotton

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review. If you think getting a free copy affects my review I encourage you to read on because this was not one of my favorite books.
If you enjoy ghost movies, and the occult in general; such as Harry Potter or The Exorcist you will definately love this book.
The book has a lot of potential to help a lot of troubled people, thats why I gave it 4 stars.
He said a few things that I felt like were Spirit filled and memorable like: 'something powerful happens when we verbilize what God thinks and says about us'....'when someone believes in you before you deserve it, it transforms you'...'the world is looking for something worth dying for to have something worth living for'.
He also says somethings I cant really get behind, like when he says he saw red eyes at the foot of his bed; or the times he claims to have cast out demons and the physically impossible things some people did while possessed.
He also tells people the important safety protocols for casting out demons. If you want to be an exorcist, this would be a great book for you.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Constantly Craving by Marily Meberg

I agreed to read this book for Booksneeze in exchange for a review. An old co-worker stopped by one of the motels I work at last night and the conversation turned soon enough to books and recent readings. She had this book on her Kindle Fire, and was disappointed with it. She offered me her Fire and I must say, I am also disappointed. If you want to read a good self healp book on addictions and addictive behavior, I reccommend Steven Arterburn. Any of his books will help you. But this Constantly Craving book: no way would I reccommend it to anyone. She asserts that people have cravings because they are living outside of the light of God. Well, thats just nonsense. God says Hisself that He works through our weaknesses to bring Glory to Him and His greatness. We are humans, not gods. We have cravings for many reasons but to assert that cravings are brought about because of childhood issues and short comings is too far out on that nut-job limb for me to back her as a valid writer. I was especially displeased that she pulls Bible verses and tags them to support her opinions. Any part of the Bible can be taken out of context and ithink it is stupid and dangerous to try and make it look like God is backing your opinions!!! god is Master and Divine Creator: Lord above all : Father of all. The beginning and the end. And this is the end of my review: book was awful.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Great Day Everyday by Max Lucado

I was happy to read this book, as i am with ALL Lucado books; and once again, it was time well spent. My mind just stucks Lucado up like a straw.
This book is easy and fast to read; serious but not written in a way that stalls out or makes the reader pause for too long - a book written for the average Joe; the working reader who wants a good read but doesnt have 2 weeks to devote to one!
The focus of this book, to me, was for us to see every day as a gift and as an opportunity to serve. For us not tosee today as the last day we might have but to see it as the potential best day for us to serve God. By looking at everything that happens as coming from God, Lucado suggests we will better handle whatever comes our way. I think he means the average day, with traffic tickets and such, that is what I think he means.
The book is divided into 3 sectiions, basically challenging us to accept, and fill out minds and our days with looking for ways to praise God.
I have never not enjoyed a Lucado book. This one is no exception. A Gentle Thunder, is still his best book but this one, is great!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
1000 Days by Jonathan Falwell

Sometimes reviewing a book for is just shooting ducks in a barrel. I knew when I saw who had written this book that I was going to love it. His dad was an awesome man of God and junior seems to be right there in his fathers footsteps.
The Rev. Jerry was one of my all time favorites, ahead of Billy Graham, and thats saying a lot. It is rare to find moral integrity anymore because everyone seems to sell out; tolerance on divorce coming right up at the front of the list.
But about the book!
Jesus did more miracles than could be recorded for there was not enough paper nor books to write down all the miracles that Jesus did while He was here, walking among us. We know this, the Bible tells us this is true. Johnathan Falwell, has written an entire book that looks at the days when Jesus was here with us, step by step.
This book has earned a permanent place on my bookcase. If you would like to know more about Johnathan Falwell, you can read it from his blog at :
It is a tight, well written book. Consider that his grandparents were agnostic/athesitic people, consider that his dad founded the moral majority and imagine the quality of this book: because its there folks!
If you need a little bit of hearing that you are not the only moral cherry left on the tree you must have a copy of this book. If you feel like your life is of no value you need this book. I think everyone needs this book!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Our Favorite Sins by Todd D Hunter
Sorry to say, but I really expected a lot more out this book. Chapter 6 should have stayed on target, which was dealing with over eating but the author jumped ship and I lost interest.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Jesus We Missed by Patrick Reardon

I found this to be a remarkable read! People fail to see Jesus as human: as the kind of average guy, with super powers who would never use them for himself but who would walk into a pizza joint and walk upto the buffet and then sit with a bunch of folks who had never had the pleasure.
I think some people, whom I will lovingly refer to as Sanhedrin, would find the book out of color; favoring to see Jesus as God only. But that was not the point of Jesus coming here to walk among us and to BE ONE OF US.
We fail to grasp the Humanity of Christ because we fail to understand that He was a human. The author of this book really pulls that point into focus so I have to give this book 2 thumbs up. I also found it to be written on a good level of understand: felt like I was back in school again (how sweet it was).
I give this work 5 out of 5 stars.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Exceptional Life by Stephen Arterburn

I recieved this book from Baker Publishing Group.
My life is better for having read it.
Arterburn wrote an other book earlier this year which I reviewed for Thomas Nelson titled, Healing Is A Choice. It was a good book but this most recent one, The Exceptional Life, is a better book.
This book is shorter and therefore easier to commit to read. In this book, the author goes over 8 areas of life where we can all be blind sided and miss our walk with God.
He uses stories about people he has worked with in the past or he has some people write dialog about their experiences and he then incorporates their experiences as examples.
The last chapter was the best written and dealt with addiction. The author needs to write his next book starting out with addiction and in fact, write an entire book about addictions.
I believe he has a lot of experience in counseling but I dont know that I would say I agree him on all points.
His chapter on helplessness was also a very good section of the book.
I would have to give this one 5 stars, just because I feel like I am stronger for having read it. That is a pretty strong endorsement.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Then Sings My Soul Vol3 by Robert J Morgan

I was so excited to receive this book from Booksneeze. I so love Robert J Morgans work and this series is his fines hour. I was hoping he would keep the volumes coming. In this volume he offers gospel songs and origins and information about the author or things that were happening at the time the author wrote the song, Historically.
I love his work and because of this particular volume, Robert J Morgan is starting to pull ahead of Max Lucado as my favorite author. Not the song sections that put the book over the top for me but the 2 final chapters, if you will.
One discusses how song are a form of ministry to our souls - which I have written several times as being a personal belief and then a chapter of embracing interwoven worship (musically speaking).
I agree with him 100%. His information on the songs is educational and interesting and you actually get the songs so it is more of a Hymnal with a study application that you can use for life enrichment!!
Some people need their dose of church preached to them; but I happen to think of it this way: church is the strawberry short cake of this world and the sermon is the juicy berry and the music is the whipped cream topping.
Reading Robert J Morgan is like getting to smell that short cake and imagine how good its going to taste. An example that the author feels the same way can be found in many places, but I like the way he says it on page 252 "You don't always have to even sing the hymns. Simply reading them is dipping into the richest sacred poetry of the ages....many hymns have been written for close of day, and they can serve as a veritable benediction as you fall asleep."
I just can not think of a better use of a cold evening than reading this volume 3 of the Then Sings My Soul collection.
It is inspirational, informative and a great devotional/Biblical aid.
I can not wait for volume 4 !!
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