We live in a hard time. Priests molesting boys, gay rights, abortion as birth control: we really should have stayed in the garden.
Who can we trust, and how can we ensure the safety of our kids in this day and age?
Pray, turn to God. If you need more comfort than that, pick up a copy of this book because thats what its all about.
I loved the way he began one chapter by talking about how when he was in 2nd grade he would get school credit for attending Sunday School - that was 1948. I can recall the same treatment in 1974. Things began to change in the 1960s, according to the author and I agree.
We have gotten away from Gods vision for us, the author says. He may be right.
His last section is on Hope. I loved it very much. He opened with Romans 5:5 "Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
He advocates for rolling up the sleeves instead of taking the easy road.
If you are scared, this book will make you feel better. The man has written over 20 books and worked as a reporter, editor and at the White House as well as worked in 20 Countries.
Basically, the book is about how to keep your shirt on while people are losing their minds; I could just tell you that its by remembering Gods Word and keeping on that armor of God but you need to read the book to get the context and understanding.
Hes a great writer; give it a try.
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