Friday, December 6, 2013
The Jesus Story: Everything That Happens In The New Testament In Plain English By Dr. Marty A Must Read!!
What Dr. Marty has done with this book is enabled every would be potential person to become a Christian because he has written out the account of Jesus in easy to understand order!! I totally Love this book!!!!!
I think every new Christian needs to have a copy of this book, because there is no substitution for the grace that flows from understanding Jesus. how can we be friends without if we don't understand them? I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for writing a review. The review is not a good one because of that, its good because I believe in the book. The work places Jesus time with us in chronological order from beginning to resurrection and follows up with the life and formation of the early church from Paul's time. I really enjoyed the summation at the end of section because it drives home what the section was saying. I have been a Christian all my life, and have read the Bible many times but I really enjoyed this book because it is a remarkably well written celebratory account of Jesus and what He has done for us and what that means in terms of our Divine nature and our ability to join Him. The story is very clear and well written. As I stated above, I think every new Christian needs a copy and I think everyone who isn't a Christian needs a copy because it could help them to understand the gospel and Jesus well enough to want to join outers in the walk of faith!!
What Your Dreams Are Telling You by Cindy McGill & David Sluka
Dreams are how God communicates with us without scaring the crap out of us. Think about it, do you think God does not send an angel down to speak to you because they are all so busy or because it would totally traumatize you and you would never be able to get your focus off of the visit for your entire life?
God communicates with us through our dreams because it is a gentle way in which He can talk with us without scaring us.
The authors did a wonderful job with this book. Since man began, God has come to us in dreams. Dreams are the key to unlocking our full potential and success in life. God wants only good for us but we have to listen and know when He is speaking to us. I received a free copy of the book from Chosen books in exchange for writing a review. However, this book gets a 5 star review because it has earned a place on my permanent book case.
Often the line between success and failure is a fine line and this book can give you that edge you need and are looking for to succeed. The authors talk about how God has communicated with us since time began and how we need to think about and write down our dreams so we can determine what they are trying to tell us. The authors also give a long reference chart on meaning of some common issues and symbols in dreams. Through the Bible there were people who became successful and powerful because they were able to understand dreams. This book will put that power into the hands of the reader. it is an awesome book and I would say a wonderful Christmas gift!!
Spiritual Warriors guide to defeating Jezebel by Jennifer leClaire
This short book is one of the best I have ever read! JEZEBEL IS LOOKED AT THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, REVEALED FOR ALL TO SEE SO THAT WHEN YOU SEE THE SPIRIT, YOU WILL RECOGNIZE IT. The spirit of Jezebel has only one goal, to kill your focus on God. No man can serve 2 masters, so her goal is to flatter and charm you into being a me person instead of focusing on God and gods glory. In todays market, she has no problem at all. You cannot defeat an evil spirit if you don't see it or recognize it for what it is; this book plays a big key in helping people to see it and know it when they see it. Her objective is to get you drunk on power, and on patting yourself on the back so you wont concentrate on God and Gods glory and what God wants you to do. The author makes me recall a friend in a bad marriage; everyone else can see that she doesn't love him and married him for his money but he loves her for the way she dotes on him and makes him feel special and he wont listen to anyone tell him that she is pulling him under...sound familiar? we all someone who is in need of this book but how do you give advice like he/she is no good for you? YOU CANT, YOU DONT!! YOU GIVE THEM A COPY OF THIS BOOK SO THEY CAN DISCOVER FOR THEMSELVES!!!!
I received a free copy of this book from Chosen book in exchange for writing a review, but that does not mean the book got a positive review- the book earned its own review. It is a good book and well worth the money and it could save a friend of yours. Maybe it could save you! I read this book in a day but have reread it several times. I am reminded of Deliah and Jezebel at the same time.
An Elegant Solution by Paul Robertson the best book of the year!!
If you are searching for a great book to curl up by a warm fire with – this IS THE BOOK!!!
If you enjoyed Sherlock Holmes and love to watch The Big bang Theory, this is the book you have waiting for! The story is set in 18th Century Switzerland and the characters include the greatest minds of that era. The History is accurate as are the characters to their reputations. Leonard Euler was a real mathematician and Christian and the Bernoullis ( who are over the Chair of Math) in the story were real! The characters include some of the finest mathematical minds of all times and this historical fiction is leaps and bounds above any other I have read!! Historical landmarks of Basel are detailed including the Barefoot Square, the bridge over the Rhine, the Munster. I would not be surprised if this book is made into a multimillion dollar motion picture due to the detailed picture graphics and incredible detail to facts!This book is a work of suspense, intellect, and mystery cocooned in the adornment of Gods divine glory and power as ruler of the universe and master of creation!! He makes a strong statement of how math was created by God and is dependent on God to work, and that God purposefully sealed math into His divine creation. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review, but that did not give the book a good review, it is simply one of the best books I have ever read!!!
Letting go of your limitations -- A must read book from Chosen Publishers!!
This book is good read and it will help the reader to unlock their inner strength and power by showing them how to harness the greatness of God. We are children of the King! So many people want a better life but are held back by fear and regret and shame and guilt. We must let go and let God come to our rescue! Each chapter looks at how we stop short of the glory that God intends for us and talks about how we can over come an obstacle and move forward towards god and the good things that God has planned for us. the only thing between us and a good life is the enemy and we can stop the fear and stop the legalism and stop focusing on religion and start focusing on God. Many people see side tracked by fear and worry and we forget that God wants a personal relationship with us and we let ourselves get in the way because we listen to the whispers of the enemy and we close our hearts to God.
This book from Chosen publishers, which I received free for writing a review, will set the reader free to seek the will of god and live outside of the enemy and close to God. Sometimes we all lose our focus and this book will help people to pull their focus back on God. We cannot be transformed until we let go and let god.
Ministering to Problem People in Your Church What to Do With Well-Intentioned Dragons by Marshall Shelley
I have always heard that the devil likes to hide behind the Cross. Think about it, the best way to destroy something is from the inside, like the Trojan Horse.
This book gives real life reverences to events that have happened in churches of many different denominations to show how some well meaning folks are dragons; some just don't know it.
The key seems to be the smooth talking yet forked tongue of the dragon.
The author gives some practical advice for how to handle these dragons when one rears its head in a church.
I gave this book 5 stars because I think people going into the ministry should have this book as required reading in college. It is shocking and painful and hurt feeling will flood over you as you turn the pages; but its pages that need to be turned by anyone who thinks they might want to be a minister. This book explains the reasons why a minister can tire so easily because if a person going into the field does not see the dragons coming, it can really catch a preacher off balance and off guard. Half the battle is seeing them coming.
The author goes over several techniques that others have successfully used to control the dragons; the key is the well intended- most dragons just think they are helping their church. They are trying to be good and zestful seekers - but they are actually dragons without knowing it so they need to be steered in the right direction for their own good and the good of the church. Many people have been in the same spot that many of the people in this book have been in - finding themselves in a church that is dissolving and breaking down because someone wants to take over or be in control of the church. it is important to help these dragons see that only God controls the church and its direction and these dragons can be returned to normal people - they don not have to stay dragons if the minister handles the situation well.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review. I think it is a good read, well worth the time for anyone thinking about going into the ministry.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Innovations Dirty Little Secrets by Orborne
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through the Booksneeze program in exchange for a review. I am very glad I got it free, as it would have upset me to have paid for such a book.
The book is not bad, it is just too short and makes a redundant point.
The writer encourages people to see innovation as a process where most ventures are not financially productive and encourages would be inventers to create as many projects as possible, to invest as little in each one as possible since most will not be successful and to be grateful when one does catch up.
I do not see how any of that is a dirty little secret. or a surprise in any way.
What it all seems to boil down to is not putting all your eggs in one basket: or diversification strategy. The author makes some good points and its a brief work easily read in a day or a single sitting.
He encourages people to have a way out, or exit plan and to pick their battles.
All the advice offered is good; but its not a great book. It is a very short book and if you want it for a stocking stuffer, you might enjoy it but I feel like for the money, this book is a bad investment. That is exactly how it is written; he put as little effort and time into the book as he could and still attempt to get it published. Reading this book made me mad. I do not recommend it to anyone. A better use of the same money would be to google the topic while holding a pen and note pad while drinking a latte in a coffee shop. In fact, for the price of this book you could buy a latte for a friend and you could both google innovation strategies and your results would likely way out produce the rewards of reading this particular book.
Normally, I give favorable reviews but this book falls short all across the board. I understand that the writer is a preacher and I hope he puts more effort into his sermons than he did into writing this book. I simply fell like the book short changes the reader because you can sum it all up in one sentence; diversify your efforts with the lowest capital investment and do not expect great results.
That's it! I just felt cheated out of the time it took me to read this book. Fortunately, as I said I did receive a free copy from book sneeze so at least I did not have to buy it.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, et all
I was very unhappy with this book. It provides a great plan for a healthy lifestyle but in no way shape or form is it a book about the 10 day diet Daniel and his friends went on when they were first taken to Babylon.
Daniel went a 10 day raw food, veggie and water diet. Rick Warren writes in this book about a 40 day diet that is half non starchy veggies, a quarter lean protein and a quarters starchy veggies with a bit of fruit on the side. He also pushes exercise.
It is a big disappointment to see a preacher call something the Daniel diet when it does not even remotely compare.
I would give this book a 5 star review if it was called anything else; but I have to say its a no star book because it does not advocate for the name sake.
I received this book free through the Booksneeze program in exchange for writing a review.
There are some good recipes in the book for COOKED foods and there is a section on exercise and how it benefits our health. There was also a section which speaks to the value of friends and how integrations reflect on our health. But again, the book was not at all about the Daniel diet! If Pastor Warren had called it any other kind of diet book, I would have as I said, enjoyed it. But the diet in Daniel was a ten day raw diet of veggies and pulse or unleaved breads. no wine or meats or any foods from the Kings table. This book however, does not support that diet. It instead encourages from a more Dr Oz formula of eating a balanced diet. Again, I am not saying its a bad book but it is not on topic and I was very disappointed in Rick Warren. Millions will read the book just because he wrote in it but he should know the Daniel diet better than any lay person - so I am sadly unhappy with his work right now.
Physically the book is well put together and hard copy with a dust jacket. It is thick and large print makes it easy to read. A better title could have been, ' A Modern Day Twist On the Daniel Diet' as it is a book that combines the SAD (Standard American Diet) with healthy choices. The book will likely increase the readers health as any effort to eat batter and exercise will but the book is not about the diet that Daniel and his friends went on for 10 days when they taken to Babylon. As I said, I received the book free from the publisher and I can say I am very thankful for that; as I would have asked for a refund from the publisher if I had paid money for it. It could have been called anything else and I would have enjoyed it; it does contain good advice but again; it is not the Daniel Diet. It is not even advocating a vegetarian diet!!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The reason for my hope by Billy Graham
You can never go wrong with Billy Graham. This book is a better read than his previous book, Nearing Home.
This book speaks to how he came to know Jesus. It speaks of how salvation is our reason for hope and he continues to tell stories about his journeys and travels around the world and he tells specific stories that helped him to walk nearer to God. He talks more to the reader and directly than in his previous book.
This book will make a great Christmas present.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review. If you think that gives a book a good review then you read to some of my other reviews as I can be very brutal when the situation calls for it. I simply can find no fault with the good reverend. Billy Graham always produces excellent work and I am always inspired by his words and his work is no different. I enjoyed reading about the ways he came to walk with God as he shared his life he also recounts his struggles along the way. Among my favorite of all of Mr Grahams recounts is when he talked one time about how he had not been able to tithe and then he promised God that the next week he would tithe then his son Franklin, became very sick and he had to take his son to the doctor - and he found out that his son needed some shots but he could not pay because he did not have any money any except his money that he had already promised to God so he was struggling with how he was going to pay the doctor because he didn't have any money but his son was sick so he had to take him to the doctor - and as he was just going to explain to the doctor that he had no money that was when the doctor explained to the reverend that his son was going to have to have several shots over time and that the bill was best to be settled when the shots wer3e finished. Mr Graham said that was the moment in his life that he knew for certain that God would take of him if he did what God wanted his to do; the things that he knew he was supposed to do in order to be a good Christian.
I have never been disappointed with anything by Billy Graham. This book as I said, would make a wonderful Christmas gift especially to an older family member or friend who grew up with Mr Graham.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Unspoken by Dee Henderson
If you are the kind of reader who enjoys a bit of romance with your suspense, this is the author for you. I am not a big fan of fiction but her writing is full and she ties off her loose ends and leaves no dangling bits to take away from the story line.
The main character suffers from PTSD due to having been kidnapped almost 20 years ago but the focus of the story is the development of romance in the hear and now time line.
A bit too much detail was spent on old coins and the details of the coins, but as I like old money I thought that was an expectable tarry of time. it is a long book and took me 3 days to read. It is hard to review it without giving away the plot or outcome of the story.
It is well written and a good story line that is strong in details with well rounded solid characters.
The Christmas Candle by Max Lucado
Let me start by saying that Lucado is my favorite author. But now let me also add; but not for his fiction. Lucado is top notch at non fiction inspirational writing and that is his forte.
As a fiction writer, I find him less than the best.
There are times when it is hard to tell who is talking. The characters are full but the story line is not as well developed as it could be. Susan Boyles starred in the movie version made in the UK.
The setting does come to life and it does have a happy ending. I did enjoy the book but felt it could have been better and that is not up to par with Max's normal delivery of awesomness.
In a nut shell, every 25 years an angel touches a candle and the candle maker must decide whom to gift that candle to as their prayers offered over the candle will be answered. I understood that the idea was that God answers the prayers, I just did not appreciate the idea that once every 25 years an angel touches a candle to make that candle special.
The story line is a little loose in other places as well. The character of the new preacher is a little flat.
The candle takes on powers in the end when it lights up an area very large to shine on a young girl and her baby. I did not care for the supernatural element.
I can see how many people would really enjoy the story. To be honest, I am not a fan of fiction and that greys my review right off the bat.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through the Booksneeze in exchange for writing a review. If you think that got the book a favorite review then I would encourage you to read several other reviews as I tend to be brutally honest.
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Compass Bible available at Walmart for 20 dollars with a life time guarantee!!
First off, the bible comes with a life time guarantee!! It looks and feels like soft tooled leather so it rests comfortably in your hands while you read or on your lap without trying to slide off. It is a new translation and is wonderful for those who struggle to understand what the bible is saying; it also includes notes that include cultural, historical, theological, and devotional thoughts about the life during the time the book was written. The maps are wonderful and there is a guide to plan out how to read the bible in a year. The format reminds me of Tim Lahaya's format in his book about how to study the bible. This bible also has introductions to each book, which gives you a good feel for the upcoming book so you go into the book with a better understanding of what to expect that book to be saying.
There is an old saying; offer a man a turnip and you feed him once. Teach a man how to garden and he can feed himself for a lifetime.
Consider that nothing is more important that bringing someone to Jesus. Many people want to make the journey but find that the bible is too hard to understand and the confusion keeps them from getting to trust God. This bible is literally designed to breach that barrier.
If you want to help someone get to know God, this bible is a great place to start. Give them a copy of it because this is a bible that they can read and understand.
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Daniel Cure
This is the disappointing book of the year!!
Instead try the Hallelujah Diet by Malkmus and The China Study by Dr. Campbell.
This book, falls short all the way around, advocating vegetarian only eating, but no raw!
Save your money!!
The recipe section is some what enticing, for cooked veggies; nothing on the raw side!! I used to work for Indians, all of them were life long vegetarians; one was extremely what does it really cure to eat all veggies? they ate healthy, cooked all from scratch, olive oil only, etc.
I cannot express how disappointed I was in this book, it had so much potiential, and I was really looking forward to reading it.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Forgiveness by Matthew West
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review. However, that does not in anyway ensure a positive review as I tend to be brutal in my assessments of works of literature especially where hope is involved. A poorly written book is somewhat like a beautiful sucker that tastes like paper. Its a false hope so I am more critical of hopeful works than I am of fiction.
That being said, West is a wonderful singer and talented song writer. It is no surprise that his book was somewhat thin or short as he gets to his point and moves to the next point of interest. West includes stories from real people and recounts moments of faith in their lives when they stepped out on faith and was rewarded by God for believing and calling upon God to help them through out their struggles. How people have made it past the bitterness of disappointment when others treated them wrong and how god made things better for them.
West also accounts stories from his own life that inspired his songs and lifted the crushing spirit of doubt that we all encounter at some point in our lives. He talks about some songs in particular and what he was going through when he wrote those songs, what aspects of his life were impacted by struggles and how his faith pulled his out a slump and how he used his faith to write the songs that propelled his career forward.
West always gives God the glory and credit for his success and encourages the reader to focus on God during hard times and keep in prayer and devotion and God will see them through. It is this point in the work when West starts talking about the lives and events of some real people and how they reached up to god for new direction and to guide them and West talks about how well things turned out for them.
It is a book about hope and positive results when we are faithful through the fire and floods of life.
I felt like I would enjoy this book because I have several of his albums. He writes from stories of real people shared with him and this is also his source of song lyrics in many instances.
A lot of people will enjoy this book, it is small, brief and steps on 3 aspects of forgiveness.
It is a descent book and if you are a fan of his you will likely enjoy this little book which is a collection of stories of sharing about how others have forgiven.
I could see how some people might like the book.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Let Hope In 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever By Pete Wilson
This is a must read book. Hurt people will hurt other people but freed people will free other people. How brilliant and simple did he put it!!!
Wilson encourages us to turn back to the Bible and consider what they went through when they were up against a wall. We struggle and we forget what God can do; we give in to the devil when he whispers in our ear that we are doomed to failure. We believe the lies that we are alone and abandoned and in a world that we are not capable of succeeding within. But that is all a lie; we are children of God. We are loved and watched and God will come to the rescue every time we call on Him.
Wilson also makes a point to let the reader know that it wont be a fast or easy process to heal our pains and let hop we in but he promises that it will be beneficial and well worth the efforts.
I think he is a wonderful writer and this a book that will remain in my permanent collection.
Pain that is not transformed becomes transferred to someone else. We must learn trust; trust in God and that he has a plan for us! Trust that we will be hurt in life and that is ok, just like a child will fall down and skin those knees! It will happen but we do not have to let it cripple our souls or stifle our souls! We must have hope! Hope is the great path to letting go of the shame and guilt of our past lives, of our short comings and failures.
This is just a fantastic book.
I found this to be a remarkable book, worthy of group study.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through the booksneeze program in exchange for writing a review of the book.
This is a five star book.
Hope can change your life and make everything better. This writer pushes hope.
I have rarely read a better book than this one. He outlines 4 steps or ways of looking into our situations to see the best possible end not the most likely.
The writer does this by looking at some really bad situations in the Bible when it looked like it was curtains for Gods people but God brought them through their struggles and he will do the same for us.
It is very hard to write a review without analysis of the 4 step plan used by the author to literally outline to process of developing hope and learning to give it time to work.
Hope can can disarm guilt, shatter shame, and put your past behind you where it belongs. But you have to make the choice to let hope in. We serve a God who promises over and over again that anything is possible.
Wilson, gives a look at the power of healing through hope, revealing 4 unique choices that have the potential to change your life forever. Let Hope In explores accounts in the Bible illustrating God’s ultimate plan for healing by letting hope fill the dark places.
Friday, September 13, 2013
NIV INtegrated Study Bible and chronlogical by Thomas Nelson Publishers
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review. I enjoyed the chronological approach as it makes it easier to understand what is going on when the books are written. I got a more life like feeling; as if I were there watching the events happen first hand, like I was remembering something that I had seen happen, not like I was reading a book. The NIV language is easier to understand than the older King James editions. This book brings the Bible to life. It gives it a more complete picture of what was happening in the towns and villages and big cities when the events unfolded and came to life. I enjoyed reading Daniel and feel like I BETER CAN SEE HOW DANIEL AND HIS FRIENDS LIVED. I got the feeling like I was there and the book of Daniel made more sense to me. It will open you eyes because it is easier to understand what was going on when the books were written. Passages of Scripture arranged in their sequential order, but so also are individual events, and includes multiple interpretations. This edition shows the Bible unfolding in a new way as the landmark events are set in parallel. It’s more than just a chronological Bible—not only are passages of Scripture arranged in their sequential order, but so also are individual events. And multiple interpretations allow for deeper revelations. For instance, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John’s telling of Jesus feeding the 5,000—presented in four columns right next to each other—take on a new life. David’s story about hiding from Saul in the wilderness is paired with the relevant psalms. Features include: •The entire text of the NIV translation with the order of events arranged chronologically •General and sectional (e.g., Pentateuch, History, Prophets, Gospels) introductions on chronology and dating, including comparative charts of major systems and schemes •Brief commentary in the form of transitions to help navigate the chronology
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review. I enjoyed the chronological approach as it makes it easier to understand what is going on when the books are written. I got a more life like feeling; as if I were there watching the events happen first hand, like I was remembering something that I had seen happen, not like I was reading a book. The NIV language is easier to understand than the older King James editions. This book brings the Bible to life. It gives it a more complete picture of what was happening in the towns and villages and big cities when the events unfolded and came to life. I enjoyed reading Daniel and feel like I BETER CAN SEE HOW DANIEL AND HIS FRIENDS LIVED. I got the feeling like I was there and the book of Daniel made more sense to me. It will open you eyes because it is easier to understand what was going on when the books were written. Passages of Scripture arranged in their sequential order, but so also are individual events, and includes multiple interpretations. This edition shows the Bible unfolding in a new way as the landmark events are set in parallel. It’s more than just a chronological Bible—not only are passages of Scripture arranged in their sequential order, but so also are individual events. And multiple interpretations allow for deeper revelations. For instance, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John’s telling of Jesus feeding the 5,000—presented in four columns right next to each other—take on a new life. David’s story about hiding from Saul in the wilderness is paired with the relevant psalms. Features include: •The entire text of the NIV translation with the order of events arranged chronologically •General and sectional (e.g., Pentateuch, History, Prophets, Gospels) introductions on chronology and dating, including comparative charts of major systems and schemes •Brief commentary in the form of transitions to help navigate the chronology
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Youll get Through This by Max Lucado - a 5 star book!!!!
This book is a perfect example of why I love to read Lucado.
He is without exception by favorite modern author.
Lucado once again speaks to the masses with this book - inspiring millions at a time of economic upheaval and financial crisis on a global scale. People are afraid and do not know where to turn or if they will survive. Lucado once again, offers hope to the masses!
God has gotten others through way more than any of us are living through and HE will save us too and bring us through to a good place!
What do we do when something awful happens to us? We think we will never recover. I know I do. We focus on why good people do bad things. We focus on pain. Well, in this the best of all his books so far, Lucado uses the story from the Old Testament about Joseph to remind us that God will use what the devil tries to destroy to make something wonderful and powerful and fantastic - all we have to do is hold on and wait for God to do His miracle in our lives. What a powerful message of hope!
Joseph was betrayed by his brothers because his father loved him most. But Joseph was gifted by God to have an understanding that was unpatrolled and he was gifted by interpretations: God had Joseph a better man.
Daniel, has the same story. Daniel was taken from Judah to Babylon as a castle slave, but God gave Daniel an understanding; and Daniel was excelled above all others to third in power over all of Babylon.
There is no limit to what God can do and if you don't get anything else from this book get this:
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through the booksneeze program in exchange for writing a review of the book. That in no way earned this book a good review - Lucado's work always stands on its own merit. This like all of his other works, is a great investment!!
Chasing Hope by Kathryn Cushman
Chasing Hope by Cushman, is an excellent read. I read it in a day, and it came on the heels of the lady swimming from Cuba to the US in 50ish hours. When the lady completed her dream, which she has been actively attempting since the 1970s, she said, 'never give up on your dreams'. It was hard to understand her, since her tongue was swollen from the sea water. She said that she kept the theme to the Beverly Hillbillies playing over and over; 2000 times in her head.
This novel, is also the story of reaching those dreams when the protagonist thought that her time was past.
The cover feels like rubber. Its about telling yourself that its time to forget the past and trust in God and allow Him to build your future.
I would slow to say it but the story is sorta like Cather in the Rye meets Jessie Owens. Its about a lady who gave up on her own dream when she could no longer run and she trains/coaches a troubled youth to get the child to change the course of her life.
Its a fantastic fictional work. A story that glorifies God. It moves fast and it will keep you hooked.
This novel, is also the story of reaching those dreams when the protagonist thought that her time was past.
The cover feels like rubber. Its about telling yourself that its time to forget the past and trust in God and allow Him to build your future.
I would slow to say it but the story is sorta like Cather in the Rye meets Jessie Owens. Its about a lady who gave up on her own dream when she could no longer run and she trains/coaches a troubled youth to get the child to change the course of her life.
Its a fantastic fictional work. A story that glorifies God. It moves fast and it will keep you hooked.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Stranded by Dani Pettrey
Spoiler alert!!
There is no way to do a review of this book without a spoiler! I will try my best to keep it to a minimum!!
I have not read the first two book and this book is third in a series. I believe from the end of the book it is the final installment as it wraps up all the loose ends.
The author has only published these 3 books so far, but she is a very gifted writer and the genre is fiction, Christian mystery/suspense. i normally do not care for fiction but have never read from this genre so I thought I would have a go of it. The author is also a home schooling mother of two children.
I enjoyed the way her character set has a coming to Jesus approach. The story takes place in Alaska and opens with her friend beibng taken hostage. THe book has a happy ending and a sex slavery ring is broken. Basically the travel agency was screening women to abduct them and it was a Russian tie-in.
I did not care for the topic. But the writer did a good job. She closed all the doors and left nothing dangling and best of all; she had all characters give credit to God. I love to see that happen, I think we all do.
It is a thick book but the print is large and I read it in a day. The main character of course falls in love and it comes to fruition in the final passages of the book.
The writer does a great job. If you enjoy romance and suspense or mystery, you are in for a real treat with this author.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Wounded by Gods people by Anne Graham Lotz
This book gets a permanent spot in my book collection. it is an easy 1 day reader of only about 230 pages with large print.
I decided to read this book solely based on the fact that I really enjoy reading Billy Graham, and have always loved to watch his televised events; what an amazing man of God. This topic Anne, chose also sparked my interest. It is a look into the life of Hagar, and how she was mistreated. The hand maiden of Sara, she was asked by Sara, to have a child with Sara's husband Abraham, because the angels said that he would have a son and Sara, was in her 80s and thought that she could not carry a child. however, when Sara, did become pregnant, Hagar, was cast out of the family and home. Some thanks for being a good maid!! No wonder Ishmael grew up to hate and be filled with bitterness. The author dives into that abyss of bitterness many Christians feels, who feel like they have been wronged in life by a church or Christians in a church. Anne talks openly about how she feels she has been wounded by Christians who did not live as they should be living.
The authors advice basically, is that everyone makes mistakes and we often think of these incidence as deliberate when they are in fact very accidental. After all, we are emotional creatures. The author talks about how god can renew our hearts and heal the tears and bruises if we allow Him to do so for us.
An interesting note; I just finished reading a blog page that talked about how God can heal our hearts and how we must safe guard what we allow into our hearts. It goes right along with this book, which is interesting because noone knew I had selected this book, so only God could have been driving.
God loves both the hurt and those who hurt, or the wounded and the wounders. This is a book about finding the strength to forgive. The author says, 'Maybe you are among those sho have been so deeply hurt by the church that you no longer want anything to do with God.' The author believes that the grace of God can heal any wound. So do I.
Psalm 147:3 God heals the brokenhearted & binds up their wounds
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing a review. If you think that in any way earned this book a favorable review then you might want to read some of my other reviews.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
NIV Worship Together Bible By Thomas Nelson Publishers
Heres what the publisher says:
Worshiping God is one of the believer’s highest callings. Music and song have been a timeless way to glorify God throughout history. Scripture itself is full of musical and poetic praises dedicated to the Lord. Using a unique combination of songs and reflections, the NIV Worship Together Bible blends modern-day worship and culture with the beloved Word of God. This Bible helps you embrace God as your loving Father and shows you how to exalt him through song and reflection. The musical inspiration in this Bible will remind you of the importance of constantly striving to be Christlike. As Pastor Jack Hayford, the author of the song “Majesty,” once put it: “Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped.”Features:
The complete text of the world’s most popular modern-English Bible, the NIV
- Lyrics to the top 50 worship songs
- Song notes and reflections from the songwriters
- Simple chord charts for the Top 20 worship songs
- Essay that explores the purpose and history of worship music
- Foreword by Matt Maher
- Index to organize songs by scriptural reference
I enjoy the songs and history behind the songs.
I sat down with hte Bible while it was raining and lit up a few sea salt candles and fluffed the old feather pillows and I sure njoyed reading Exodus. Something about a man with the guts to stand up to the king of all Egypt, and say to him, God says for you to....
Doesnt really matter what God wanted from the Pharoah; matters that Moses had the courage to tell the king what god instructed Moses to tell him. Maybe Moses thought people would think him crazy; who knows?
But Moses did what god told him to do.
It got me thinking, do I have that kind of courage?
I felt really comfortable with this Bible. Like it was made for me. I love music. I love God. It is a natural fit.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Finding God in the Dark by Kluck and Martin
As a social worker I have a soft spot in my heart for foster parents because they really can make a great difference in the life of a child. Klink and his family adopted boys and its telling is a large part of his story. Both authors talk about the moments in thier lives when their faith was pushed up against a wall and suffered but maintained their love and trust in God through it all.
These two writers are not the best to team up, but it didnt really work against the rythmn of the book. it is not really an inspiring book, but mroe like a book that says we struggled but we didnt give up on God.
I was not inspired, but I can see how some people will be deeply impacted. It is worth the time it took to read it. I enjoyed the way they talked about joy and how God uses joy to help them focus on God and not material wealth. It is a dramatic read and there will be tears!
I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House publishers in exchange for writing a review, but that did not get this book a good review, this book earned its own good review. it is a short paperback and a fast read for an airport or doctors visit while in the waiting room. Anytime you have a few hours to spend with a good book. It is a good book.
Finding God in the Bible by Darren Wilson
I enjoyed this writer, Darren Wilson, his work is laid back and has a hippie twist. The News Boys meet Willie Nelson, in musical terms! Its a softback, a fast read and he offers good insights into seeing that ours is truly the only LIVING God, the only real God. Its a wonderful book and the dvd is great!
Wilson is a very good articulator. He has a hippie come to God approach; like Jimmy Buffett meets Rick Warren or The News Boys meets Willie Nelson. He puts spin on his take of how to develop a relationship with God, how to see where God was in the past so you can see where God is in the present and where God will be in the future (hint) the answer is here. I received a free copy from the publisher, Bethany House in exchange for writing a review; however that did not earn the book a good review!
I saw a bumper sticker one time that read, 'Gods original plan was to hang out in a garden with some naked people'. I loved it! I think Darren Wilson would love it also because it sums up the feel I have for his writing.
He focuses on with this book an aspect of seeing God as a friend, not an ice cold ruler. Wilson has kind of a hippie approach, love God and give God a chance; talk to God just like you talk to any close friend.
This is a great book to help someone get a deeper friendship with God and not take such a stoic approach that keeps us distant from God. We don't need to see God as distant but as here with us and approachable. That seems to be the focus of this work. Also the DVD, Father of Lights is great!! It drives home Wilsons point: God loves us and wants to be friends with all of us, not deity and creation but friends.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Unfinished by Richard Sterns
I was looking forward to reading this book because I really enjoyed Sterns previous work, 'A Hole In The Gospel'. This book is a wonderful read and carrys a challenge for all Christians to advance the Kingdom.
I posted this review on May 19 as an initial statement that I have not received the book - it finally arrived and i was delighted to delve into the work !
The over all effect of the book is that once you become a Christian, once you BELIEVE - what should be your next step? Stern speaks to his audience to motivate us to action on behalf of Gods will. So many times Christians just sit on the sidelines or on the pews Sunday morning then go home and forget about God until the next pew sitting Sunday. God does not call us to go through the motions but to actively seek to do His good work!
Many Christians want to do for God, especially new Christians but we do not know how. Churches should focus on training us up in doing Gods works and we need to be receptive and ambitious and make a real ongoing effort all our lives to work to advance Gods will!!
I found the voice of this book inviting, invigorating and motivating! I also believe we are called to action not mere attendance and Stern says it so beautifully in this work.
If you are not familiar with the authors life; it might help to know a little about him as he was a major player in a very successful business career who gave it all up to answer the call of God in his life to become a third world missionary. Stern backs up what he promotes by living the way he believes God intends in his own life. His honesty comes across in the book and it is highly motivating to read about the different stories of peoples Stern has encountered and how they responded to God after they believed God was real.
This is a wonderful read full of direction, example and motivation! I did receive a free copy of this book in exchange for a review through the book sneeze program.
I posted this review on May 19 as an initial statement that I have not received the book - it finally arrived and i was delighted to delve into the work !
The over all effect of the book is that once you become a Christian, once you BELIEVE - what should be your next step? Stern speaks to his audience to motivate us to action on behalf of Gods will. So many times Christians just sit on the sidelines or on the pews Sunday morning then go home and forget about God until the next pew sitting Sunday. God does not call us to go through the motions but to actively seek to do His good work!
Many Christians want to do for God, especially new Christians but we do not know how. Churches should focus on training us up in doing Gods works and we need to be receptive and ambitious and make a real ongoing effort all our lives to work to advance Gods will!!
I found the voice of this book inviting, invigorating and motivating! I also believe we are called to action not mere attendance and Stern says it so beautifully in this work.
If you are not familiar with the authors life; it might help to know a little about him as he was a major player in a very successful business career who gave it all up to answer the call of God in his life to become a third world missionary. Stern backs up what he promotes by living the way he believes God intends in his own life. His honesty comes across in the book and it is highly motivating to read about the different stories of peoples Stern has encountered and how they responded to God after they believed God was real.
This is a wonderful read full of direction, example and motivation! I did receive a free copy of this book in exchange for a review through the book sneeze program.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Insourcing by Randy Pope
I normally enjoy reviewing books, but not this time. This book reads like the author read a book by Rick Warren, Churched, and then riped off Warrens content.
The idea is that churches are failing to make disciples of members. Valid points were brought up; but the book just reads like a ripoff of Warrens work to me and I dont think a lot of people will catch that because Warrens book is very thick and I dont think most people will have read it to see all the commonalities and contents that are too similar in my opinion to coincidence. I just dont feel good about this book being the work of the author.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Ask For The Impossible or Stay In The Boat
This is not my standard book review, just a blog moment about a recent event in my life.
Recently I began working out and made nutritional changes. When we eat better we feel better and we move better so I decided to see how fast I could make an elliptical trainer measure one day in March. Got it up to 8.5 mph and kept it there for 3 minutes and I was pretty pleased about that BUT then ' it' happened! I thought the pain was a hernia at first, but it became more intense. Finally, late one Friday night I went to the emergency room in my pajamas (as the pain was unbearable).
Long story short, the ER doctor did a lot of X-rays and CT scans and blood work and some other testing and concluded it was my gall bladder. She also made sure that it had not yet ruptured and neither had anything else. After 2 oral pain pills that did not work and then 3 full injections of morphine that only dulled the pain, I did at least feel relief and the doctor felt I should see my doctor for follow-up on Monday. The ER doctor did not want to do an ultra sound at that time since it was 3am and it was the Friday before Easter and there was no one on duty to perform the test. The doctor did however offer me the decision as to calling in someone to do an ultra sound right then. The doctor was sure I would not die immediately from the gall bladder and I could not see asking someone to come in at such an hour and not on Easter weekend. I made the decision to trust the doctor - after all; that IS why I went to the emergency room in the first place. The doctor was/is trained, skilled and experienced; only the best of the doctors are allowed to work the ER due to the nature.
So, the day of the surgery arrived and I was very relieved and happy to see my deacon arrive on schedule to pray with me before the operation. It was my first operation. I had been in a lot of pain for a very long time. Relief was on the horizon. But any operation carries risk of death.
I was very happy to see my deacon because only the best of men in a baptist church get to work as deacons, due to the nature of the job. I was delighted to have him come and pray with me, because above all else, I trust God. What a great feeling it was to have a man who is strong in his faith, skilled and experienced; to lead me in a prayer before the surgery.
Afterwards, the surgeon, Dr Hayden, came into my recovery room. He said the gall bladder was very scarred and the stones were very big and there was a lot of them and that he had complications and it was a lot of work for him and that he almost had to cut me open - but all had gone well and that I had responded amazingly well while under the anesthesia. This was not common among first time patients, he explained. My deacon came in and said a prayer with me before the operation so I was not worried at all going into the operation. So it was easy for me to be relaxed while sedated because I trust God. My unconscious state told on me. I was calm because I knew God had been advised of the pending operation before hand and I had my whole church praying for me and my deacon had stood right there beside my bed and prayed with me - making certain that God was called upon. If you set your electric alarm clock for a major event you still have to worry due to the possibility of a power outage. But when I take something to God I do not stop taking it to Him until I know that He has heard me. Once He has heard me and I know it- there is nothing to worry about. So, I looked up at the surgeon, smiled and rubbed his arm and told him that I was not worried because I knew God had been asked make sure everything went well.
The truth is the truth; where we put our trust will eventually show. When we are afraid, over whelmed, grief stricken or a number of other moments in our lives - our true beliefs will show in-spite of our attempts to hide who we really are, most of the time from most of the people. Today, we are still as foolish as Adam and Eve were when they were thinking they could hide behind fig leaves.
Maybe sometimes bad things happen to give us an opportunity to see who we really stand behind.
I am certain to my core that God will do 2 things in the future of my life; one of them, is that God will restore me to a dream job. The other, will be even more spectacular. Both, will be compound gifts because like Thomas, when I ask God to do something, I make certain it would be impossible for a person or people to do it because God gets the glory when it is clear to everyone that only He could have done something. Like when that one prophet had the firewood soaked with tons of water and God made the wood ignite in massive flames burning way above the Kings pile of wood( sorry I can not remember which prophet that was)- only God could have, so there was no mistaking that the glory was Gods alone.
Where we often fail, I think; is that we are afraid to ask God to do impossible things. Like Peter, most of us start out on top and then sink.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Simply Delicious Amish Cooking by Thomas Nelson Publishers

Monday, April 15, 2013
Beyond Heaven's Door by Max Lucado
You can NEVER go wrong with Lucado, and this book does not disappoint. It is an easy one day read. Hard bound and lovely, in gift book formatting.
The book is broken down into 20 easy reader chapters. The feel for the book is this: since the sacrifice of Jesus, we no longer have to go to the temple to be with God because when we accept salvation, God sends the Holy Spirit into us. We become one with God, we become like a bag toting God around (ok, thats not an ideal metaphor).
Lucado emphaes that we should remember that we are carrying God around with us. We should talk to God and act like He is with us. We are saits acting like criminals and hoping noone will know.
We hunt excuses and blame our selves for our short comings and cheat God out of His glory.
Lucado is inspirational as always and pulls people back to the good news with hope. If you are a little down, this is a great read and inspiration. You can never go wrong with a Lucado book.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Lifted by Angels
The problem with a book about angels is upon realizing the existance, some will accidentally fall to hero worship and let their focus drift from God. The benefit is that so many people just wander through life without getting that God is real..and turning those people on to the existance of angels might help them to see God. Having been a Christian all my life, I enjoyed the book. I enjoy hearing about the history of angels and their roles and responsibilities. Biblically, imagine what it was like to stand on that hill and have the eyes opened to be able to see an army of angels gathered all around...yet we forget God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow: there is an army of angels around all of us also. Just as there was in 'those days'.
The author looks at the role angels played in the formation of the aearly church. Talks about angels escorting us to heaven..I totally get what this author is saying. He wrote an inspirational book. If you know someone who is struggling with an anxiety issue this book could be areal comfort to them!
I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for a review. If you think that garnered a good review then go to my blog where you will find many reviews that have not been favorable.
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