I have always had a love for the Amish, Mennonites, Quakers, and other cultures who live a simple life in a complicated world. I wonder sometimes if they are the only ones living proper among us as we are surely influenced, know it or not, by all the media we allow into our lives. Say what you will, if it comes on TV it is either controlled information or fictional and we are not the better for its influence and that only hinges the other subtle influences we allow. Yes, we can still be devoted Christians and watch tv but you can have just as much fun putting together a puzzle or gardening. My point, is that we over indulge in tv and it makes it easy for us to get distracted - not all of us, but many. 'Feed my sheep' said the Lord to Peter, 'if love for me you keep' and that is why we are duty bound to try and keep each other on the narrow path. God, sometimes it is a brutal calling. I have know missionaries in the ghettos, and third world Countries where they were in jeopardy daily. It seems important to me, that a person get where God intends them post haste so they can save the world. You know? Life is hard and a good meal makes it seems a little easier. This cook book is filled with fantastic recipes and nourishment for the body is important for the soul.
The cook book caught my eye because I felt like a culture rich in the history of making things from scratch might have a lot of new ideas to offer. I was correct. The donut recipe sounds as delicious as any Krispy Kreme. The photos are excellent and the book while spiral bound has an over laped front cover producing a spine so you can see the name of the book from the shelf and thats a rare gem for a cook book. There are many wonderful recipes and I am very happy with the book. Concerning the Word, Matthew shows the way. Concerning fine foods; this cook book is an excellent resource. I enjoyed the insights into the Amish li
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