I was looking forward to reading this book because I really enjoyed Sterns previous work, 'A Hole In The Gospel'. This book is a wonderful read and carrys a challenge for all Christians to advance the Kingdom.
I posted this review on May 19 as an initial statement that I have not received the book - it finally arrived and i was delighted to delve into the work !
The over all effect of the book is that once you become a Christian, once you BELIEVE - what should be your next step? Stern speaks to his audience to motivate us to action on behalf of Gods will. So many times Christians just sit on the sidelines or on the pews Sunday morning then go home and forget about God until the next pew sitting Sunday. God does not call us to go through the motions but to actively seek to do His good work!
Many Christians want to do for God, especially new Christians but we do not know how. Churches should focus on training us up in doing Gods works and we need to be receptive and ambitious and make a real ongoing effort all our lives to work to advance Gods will!!
I found the voice of this book inviting, invigorating and motivating! I also believe we are called to action not mere attendance and Stern says it so beautifully in this work.
If you are not familiar with the authors life; it might help to know a little about him as he was a major player in a very successful business career who gave it all up to answer the call of God in his life to become a third world missionary. Stern backs up what he promotes by living the way he believes God intends in his own life. His honesty comes across in the book and it is highly motivating to read about the different stories of peoples Stern has encountered and how they responded to God after they believed God was real.
This is a wonderful read full of direction, example and motivation! I did receive a free copy of this book in exchange for a review through the book sneeze program.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Insourcing by Randy Pope
I normally enjoy reviewing books, but not this time. This book reads like the author read a book by Rick Warren, Churched, and then riped off Warrens content.
The idea is that churches are failing to make disciples of members. Valid points were brought up; but the book just reads like a ripoff of Warrens work to me and I dont think a lot of people will catch that because Warrens book is very thick and I dont think most people will have read it to see all the commonalities and contents that are too similar in my opinion to coincidence. I just dont feel good about this book being the work of the author.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Ask For The Impossible or Stay In The Boat
This is not my standard book review, just a blog moment about a recent event in my life.
Recently I began working out and made nutritional changes. When we eat better we feel better and we move better so I decided to see how fast I could make an elliptical trainer measure one day in March. Got it up to 8.5 mph and kept it there for 3 minutes and I was pretty pleased about that BUT then ' it' happened! I thought the pain was a hernia at first, but it became more intense. Finally, late one Friday night I went to the emergency room in my pajamas (as the pain was unbearable).
Long story short, the ER doctor did a lot of X-rays and CT scans and blood work and some other testing and concluded it was my gall bladder. She also made sure that it had not yet ruptured and neither had anything else. After 2 oral pain pills that did not work and then 3 full injections of morphine that only dulled the pain, I did at least feel relief and the doctor felt I should see my doctor for follow-up on Monday. The ER doctor did not want to do an ultra sound at that time since it was 3am and it was the Friday before Easter and there was no one on duty to perform the test. The doctor did however offer me the decision as to calling in someone to do an ultra sound right then. The doctor was sure I would not die immediately from the gall bladder and I could not see asking someone to come in at such an hour and not on Easter weekend. I made the decision to trust the doctor - after all; that IS why I went to the emergency room in the first place. The doctor was/is trained, skilled and experienced; only the best of the doctors are allowed to work the ER due to the nature.
So, the day of the surgery arrived and I was very relieved and happy to see my deacon arrive on schedule to pray with me before the operation. It was my first operation. I had been in a lot of pain for a very long time. Relief was on the horizon. But any operation carries risk of death.
I was very happy to see my deacon because only the best of men in a baptist church get to work as deacons, due to the nature of the job. I was delighted to have him come and pray with me, because above all else, I trust God. What a great feeling it was to have a man who is strong in his faith, skilled and experienced; to lead me in a prayer before the surgery.
Afterwards, the surgeon, Dr Hayden, came into my recovery room. He said the gall bladder was very scarred and the stones were very big and there was a lot of them and that he had complications and it was a lot of work for him and that he almost had to cut me open - but all had gone well and that I had responded amazingly well while under the anesthesia. This was not common among first time patients, he explained. My deacon came in and said a prayer with me before the operation so I was not worried at all going into the operation. So it was easy for me to be relaxed while sedated because I trust God. My unconscious state told on me. I was calm because I knew God had been advised of the pending operation before hand and I had my whole church praying for me and my deacon had stood right there beside my bed and prayed with me - making certain that God was called upon. If you set your electric alarm clock for a major event you still have to worry due to the possibility of a power outage. But when I take something to God I do not stop taking it to Him until I know that He has heard me. Once He has heard me and I know it- there is nothing to worry about. So, I looked up at the surgeon, smiled and rubbed his arm and told him that I was not worried because I knew God had been asked make sure everything went well.
The truth is the truth; where we put our trust will eventually show. When we are afraid, over whelmed, grief stricken or a number of other moments in our lives - our true beliefs will show in-spite of our attempts to hide who we really are, most of the time from most of the people. Today, we are still as foolish as Adam and Eve were when they were thinking they could hide behind fig leaves.
Maybe sometimes bad things happen to give us an opportunity to see who we really stand behind.
I am certain to my core that God will do 2 things in the future of my life; one of them, is that God will restore me to a dream job. The other, will be even more spectacular. Both, will be compound gifts because like Thomas, when I ask God to do something, I make certain it would be impossible for a person or people to do it because God gets the glory when it is clear to everyone that only He could have done something. Like when that one prophet had the firewood soaked with tons of water and God made the wood ignite in massive flames burning way above the Kings pile of wood( sorry I can not remember which prophet that was)- only God could have, so there was no mistaking that the glory was Gods alone.
Where we often fail, I think; is that we are afraid to ask God to do impossible things. Like Peter, most of us start out on top and then sink.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Simply Delicious Amish Cooking by Thomas Nelson Publishers

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