Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Money Smart Family System by Steve Economides and Annette Economides Published by Thomas Nelson

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Thomas Nelson in exchange for a review. The book is very good and stays on topic from cover to cover. Many points were common sense to me but I did find the book enjoyable. They are known for running a house hold below budget. They suggest things like having a routine and buying used items when ever possible and bartering and haggling when making major purchase items. Honestly, go talk to an Indian man and you will learn more about saving money. No one is more frugal than an Indian, and I refer to someone from India. Of course they rightfully talk about giving God His 10% and I will say this: I heard an old lady at my church say back in 2008 that God expects His 10%, and when you give Him more than that He will bless you for it. That is completely true. For my own intake on this book I would have given it a one star. But for the help it can offer to people who have not worked for 15 years for several Indians I believe this book could be a real treasure trove of information.

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