Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, et all

I was very unhappy with this book. It provides a great plan for a healthy lifestyle but in no way shape or form is it a book about the 10 day diet Daniel and his friends went on when they were first taken to Babylon. Daniel went a 10 day raw food, veggie and water diet. Rick Warren writes in this book about a 40 day diet that is half non starchy veggies, a quarter lean protein and a quarters starchy veggies with a bit of fruit on the side. He also pushes exercise. It is a big disappointment to see a preacher call something the Daniel diet when it does not even remotely compare. I would give this book a 5 star review if it was called anything else; but I have to say its a no star book because it does not advocate for the name sake. I received this book free through the Booksneeze program in exchange for writing a review. There are some good recipes in the book for COOKED foods and there is a section on exercise and how it benefits our health. There was also a section which speaks to the value of friends and how integrations reflect on our health. But again, the book was not at all about the Daniel diet! If Pastor Warren had called it any other kind of diet book, I would have as I said, enjoyed it. But the diet in Daniel was a ten day raw diet of veggies and pulse or unleaved breads. no wine or meats or any foods from the Kings table. This book however, does not support that diet. It instead encourages from a more Dr Oz formula of eating a balanced diet. Again, I am not saying its a bad book but it is not on topic and I was very disappointed in Rick Warren. Millions will read the book just because he wrote in it but he should know the Daniel diet better than any lay person - so I am sadly unhappy with his work right now. Physically the book is well put together and hard copy with a dust jacket. It is thick and large print makes it easy to read. A better title could have been, ' A Modern Day Twist On the Daniel Diet' as it is a book that combines the SAD (Standard American Diet) with healthy choices. The book will likely increase the readers health as any effort to eat batter and exercise will but the book is not about the diet that Daniel and his friends went on for 10 days when they taken to Babylon. As I said, I received the book free from the publisher and I can say I am very thankful for that; as I would have asked for a refund from the publisher if I had paid money for it. It could have been called anything else and I would have enjoyed it; it does contain good advice but again; it is not the Daniel Diet. It is not even advocating a vegetarian diet!!

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