Friday, December 6, 2013

Spiritual Warriors guide to defeating Jezebel by Jennifer leClaire

This short book is one of the best I have ever read! JEZEBEL IS LOOKED AT THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, REVEALED FOR ALL TO SEE SO THAT WHEN YOU SEE THE SPIRIT, YOU WILL RECOGNIZE IT. The spirit of Jezebel has only one goal, to kill your focus on God. No man can serve 2 masters, so her goal is to flatter and charm you into being a me person instead of focusing on God and gods glory. In todays market, she has no problem at all. You cannot defeat an evil spirit if you don't see it or recognize it for what it is; this book plays a big key in helping people to see it and know it when they see it. Her objective is to get you drunk on power, and on patting yourself on the back so you wont concentrate on God and Gods glory and what God wants you to do. The author makes me recall a friend in a bad marriage; everyone else can see that she doesn't love him and married him for his money but he loves her for the way she dotes on him and makes him feel special and he wont listen to anyone tell him that she is pulling him under...sound familiar? we all someone who is in need of this book but how do you give advice like he/she is no good for you? YOU CANT, YOU DONT!! YOU GIVE THEM A COPY OF THIS BOOK SO THEY CAN DISCOVER FOR THEMSELVES!!!! I received a free copy of this book from Chosen book in exchange for writing a review, but that does not mean the book got a positive review- the book earned its own review. It is a good book and well worth the money and it could save a friend of yours. Maybe it could save you! I read this book in a day but have reread it several times. I am reminded of Deliah and Jezebel at the same time.

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