Friday, December 6, 2013

What Your Dreams Are Telling You by Cindy McGill & David Sluka

Dreams are how God communicates with us without scaring the crap out of us. Think about it, do you think God does not send an angel down to speak to you because they are all so busy or because it would totally traumatize you and you would never be able to get your focus off of the visit for your entire life? God communicates with us through our dreams because it is a gentle way in which He can talk with us without scaring us. The authors did a wonderful job with this book. Since man began, God has come to us in dreams. Dreams are the key to unlocking our full potential and success in life. God wants only good for us but we have to listen and know when He is speaking to us. I received a free copy of the book from Chosen books in exchange for writing a review. However, this book gets a 5 star review because it has earned a place on my permanent book case. Often the line between success and failure is a fine line and this book can give you that edge you need and are looking for to succeed. The authors talk about how God has communicated with us since time began and how we need to think about and write down our dreams so we can determine what they are trying to tell us. The authors also give a long reference chart on meaning of some common issues and symbols in dreams. Through the Bible there were people who became successful and powerful because they were able to understand dreams. This book will put that power into the hands of the reader. it is an awesome book and I would say a wonderful Christmas gift!!

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